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Jane has 12-years of district nursing experience working as a Lead Band 6 and nurse case manager for people with long term conditions of varying complexities including provision of care for people with neurological conditions, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries challenging behaviour and epilepsy as well as palliative/end of life care. She has 4.5 years’ experience as a clinical case manager where she provided ongoing support to clients with both brain injury & physical difficulties, supporting them with their rehabilitation goals, working with a variety of therapists and managing teams of support workers.
Diploma of Nursing (General) 2000
BSc (Hons) Community Specialist (District Nursing) 2006
V100 Nurse Prescribing 2006
Nursing Chronis Conditions in the Community 2013
Care of the COPD Patient 2010
Jane began her nursing career in 2003 after completing her Diploma of Nursing (General) at the School of Nursing in Wrexham. Working as a community nurse Jane applied in 2005 to undertake a BSc (Hons) in Applied Community Practice, specialising in District Nursing and becoming a nurse prescriber. She continued to work as a District Nurse becoming a Band 6 nurse case manager, working with the more complex clients in the community. Undertaking further modules in Long Term Conditions & COPD provided a greater knowledge base & understanding of conditions her patients had. Jane worked with the wider MDT, often arranging & chairing MDT meetings both in the community and in hospital settings to arrange for patients to come back to their home with the correct support in place. Jane regularly undertook DST assessments to assess patients for CHC funding and spent 3 months carrying out CHC reviews for another local district nursing team who had a backlog. Jane also spent some time with the hospital discharge team, where she was responsible for making sure all community referrals went to the correct DN team. Jane has a particular interest in wound care and was involved in setting up the First Dressing Scheme in North Wales with the Local Health Board and was also was the DN representative for BCUHB on the Formulary Group.
After District Nursing Jane spent time undertaking complex functional assessments for both PIP & ESA which required quick analytical thinking on a wide range of conditions, backed up with knowledge of how these conditions would impact people and having a strong justification for all decisions made in her reports.
In 2016 Jane went to work as a Clinical Services Manager for a leading private healthcare provider that had 4 units (137 bedded home) for clients with dementia, functional mental health concerns and physical difficulties. Jane provided the ongoing clinical support to all staff including both registered nurses & support staff. This involved auditing to ensure staff were compliant with company policies & regulatory national & local care standards. Jane was a clinical resource to staff, providing guidance but also required training to staff as needed. Jane worked closely with the local authorities & members of the Care Quality Commission and local safeguarding team. Jane also participated in the recruitment of suitable staff, chairing weekly manager meetings and investigated accidents & incidents, also deputising for the registered manager in their absence.
In 2018 Jane became a Clinical Case Manager working with adults who had acquired brain injuries, and health & medical needs both pre & post settlement. Jane became an advocate for the clients she worked with and their family members, always maintaining a focus on the needs of the client to ensure their best interests were being met. This role required the creation of comprehensive INA reports, case management plans & ongoing assessments, monthly reports, production of rehabilitation plans, and goal setting in conjunction with the clients priorities/ wishes and changing needs. Jane would also source and recruit suitable support workers when required, managing ongoing supervisions. Jane would make referrals to appropriate professionals/therapists and work with them to create client focused goals. Chairing MDT meetings, ensuring good working relationships with clients, family, and the MDT and legal team was vital. Whilst working as a case manager Jane helped clients find more suitable accommodation, experience new activities for both leisure & vocational purposes, recruit suitable support workers, plan holidays and make sure living environments are the best they can be for her clients and their families.
Jane then returned to a more nursing based role as Regional Clinical Nurse for a care organisation moving into the complex care sector. This involved creating in-depth training packages in clinical areas such as tracheostomy/ventilation, closed & open suction, NIV, Epilepsy including VNS, Buccal Midazolam, Gastrostomies, medication, catheter & stoma care, then delivering this training to new & existing support workers, following up with observations with the client and signing off as competent if they met the required standards, or additional training / support to those who did not. It also required visits to potential clients often in hospital settings and supporting the branch to get the right level of staff on board and creating an in-depth care plan for staff to work from.
Jane has returned to working as a clinical case manager with TBL; working with individuals with brain injury, spinal cord injury and other complex presentations. She is very experienced in this role supporting clients and their families to receive support and rehabilitation in their own homes. She is very comfortable working with full MDTs and all packages of support worker/nursing input, whether directly employed, agency or CHC.
Jane continually strives to develop her own skills through CPD to ensure she can meet the needs her clients require. Jane is passionate about supporting people/families and speaking as an advocate for those who cannot do so themselves. She works hard to maintain effective relationships with her clients, families & the wider MDT.